Device Details


Name | Version: Quantum Dial for Ableton Delay 1.0
Author: MichalHo
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Quantum Dial – Precision Control for Ableton Delay

Quantum Dial transforms the way you interact with Ableton’s Delay by superimposing synchronized states onto its Time parameter, enabling fluid and expressive live performance.

The dial is divided into eight alternating sectors:
Half of the sectors advance the delay time, allowing dynamic, unsynchronized modulation.
Half lock the time into note-quantized values, keeping your delay perfectly in sync.

This intuitive design lets you:
- Create rhythmic variations by skipping between sectors, adding groove and unpredictability to your beats.
- Musically modulate pitch by transitioning through the unquantized zone between two quantized zones.
- Stay in sync—if improvisation takes you off course, simply return to a quantized sector to lock your delay back to tempo.

Extended Delay Control
The Delay Time Factoring Matrix (Triplet/Dotted, Half/Double) expands your creative options, making it easy to experiment with polyrhythms and unconventional delay patterns.

Quick Setup
1. Insert Quantum Dial before Ableton’s stock Delay.
2. Map it to the Delay’s Time parameter with the "Map Delay Time" button.
3. (Optional) Assign the Control Value dial to an external MIDI controller.
4. For Push users, use “Collect and Save” for seamless standalone operation.

Unleash the full potential of Ableton Delay with Quantum Dial—intuitive, precise, and built for live performance.


Live Version Used: 12.1.10
Max Version Used: 8.6.5
Date Added: Mar 16 2025 13:09:43
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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